Safety in Schools


I feel as though increasing the communication between the police and schools is one of the most effective ways in keeping schools safe. Keeping an officer on school premises provides the schools with immediate protection as well as a direct line of communication with the rest of law enforcement. It is upsetting that it has come to the point where we need to enlist officer’s in schools, but it is also necessary. There is a balance though between making the school safe and overcrowding the halls with officers leaving students unnerved. But, a couple of officers just on the grounds is a great way to keep everyone safe. So, if a threat were to enter the building, the school would not be completely helpless in defense against the said threat. 

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3 billion dollars is a hard number to wrap your head around. It is difficult to comprehend just how much can be done with that kind of money. When I first thought of this budget and how much it can supply so many schools with different safety technologies, I could only see the benefits. Many new technologies have been designed with the purpose of making schools safer, and this amount of money ensures that every school has those precautions. Security cameras, door jammers, and even extra security guards are great safety measures I feel each school has a right to. However, on the other hand, it is important to consider what other needs schools have that this money can be used for. 

It can be argued that some schools would rather place that money improving their building, paying their staff more, and fixing issues that are specific to their schools. In my opinion, even though school shootings are a relatively rare occurrence, I feel it is worth spending the money on safety precautions if it could potentially save lives. It is also important to consider that that budget does not just go towards little technologies like door jams, but also anti-bullying programs and counseling services. These programs can help prevent school shootings as well as help any student who has no violent tendencies but is being bullied. I feel as though, for that reason, these expenditures are doing what they were designed to do. Schools are safer, despite the argument of where the money should go. Of course, there is still plenty more that needs to be done, but funding this problem means it is getting the attention and resources it needs to improve the situation even more.


  1. Your post was so well written and I agree with a lot of the points you make throughout. First off, I definitely agree that having a police presence in schools is a very effective way to keep schools safe. With children going to school everyday, it may make them feel a bit better knowing there is an officer there if something were to happen. Another point from your post that I agree with is the benefits that $3 billion could do for a school. School districts would be able to use that money to buy different safety measures. Such as cameras, door jammers, and be able to hire more security guards or SROS if need be. But also like you said, the budget can be used for other things as well. This is why a school district needs to justify the purchases they make, if the district doesn't think they will need it right off the bat, they may not buy it. Lastly, there are a lot of different things that these expenditures were designed to do, and they are doing their job. But schools need to focus on some other factors as well to prevent shootings from happening. Anti-bullying programs like you mentioned. Within schools, there is a good amount that still needs to be done, but with new security methods and technology advancements we may be a little bit closer to preventing shootings from happening.

  2. Great thoughts. I agree that police or SROs at a school can have a great deterrent effect and could prevent a mass shooting from happening. These officers also can act quicker with no response time to the scene and potentially stop a mass shooting within seconds of it starting. I agree with you that $3 billion is a lot of money but we have to make sure we are using it correctly. Like you said there are many schools that could use the funding in other places and unfortunately many of these products for school security are very expensive. Everything in todays world comes down to money and we have to make sure we use it appropriately and in the best ways so that everyone can have increased security.

  3. This was a very great post, well done. I agree with you that school resource officers or police officers being present could deter and help a school shooting situation if it were to occur. These individuals are given a more training than teachers and other educators on how to stop an offender from continuing an attack. While 3 billion dollars does seem like a lot that money, is also what does pay for some of the school resource officers salaries to remain in schools full time. This is also on top of any other security equipment necessary for the school.

  4. having an open line of communication within the school and with law enforcement is another effective way in protecting schools from shootings. If a school has a security guard(s) on the school property they have a direct line to law enforcement. A security guard also has knowledge of the layout of the school, whom all the students are, can pick up on any suspicious activity from a student, and can identify anyone that is not supposed to be on the school property.

  5. I really like your points about the other uses for that large sum of money. I mentioned some of those concerns in my own post. That is a large sum of money which could have, arguably, better application in improving the academics of the school or improving the faculty and staff as well as the facilities themselves for a better learning environment. You are absolutely correct that these active shooters are statistically extremely rare. So there are some measures which are cost effective and increase the safety of the school. Though I would maybe like to see a focus on improving the academics of the school to elevate the lives of those who are looking to rise above their social standing to support their families. Great post!


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