The Media Covering Mass Shootings


Every time I would see a new mass shooting has occurred on the news, I was always shocked by the images reported. No matter how many reports, every time I was shocked. News media seem to cover all of the most important and general details to inform the public about what has happened. But, after covering those general details news outlets always take the next step to report as many individual stories and show us as much on-site footage as they can. And, while I understand that it is necessary to learn as much as you can about the victims of shootings, it can be very overwhelming and cause a lot of anxiety in people, including me to see each detail of the day. That is what stands out to me the most when I watch these reports, the fear every school and person now has. I also feel too much run time goes to the shooters themselves. I wouldn’t know half of the personal details about these shooters without the new outlets trying to report each one. The Columbine shooters, for example, have become household names. My understanding of mass shootings comes entirely from these new outlets. So what they report, I know. And I feel as though I should know a lot more about the victims than I do the killers after watching the news, but that is not always the case. 

I think the media is a great tool to allow the public to see each tragedy and share the memory of the victims. It can also allow a widespread share of organizations that are dedicated to helping the areas of mass shootings heal. So, people can see these organizations and donate to help. Giving the victims a way to be remembered for a long time, I feel, is the most important and largest benefit of media covering mass shootings. But, again, that comes with the media giving too much of their time and attention to the shooters as well. Which can spark copycats because someone thinking of doing something this terrible will see how much attention those previous them have got and try to go even bigger. This is something I think the media can do better. Trying to not feed into all of the attention the shooters are looking for. Another area the media can improve in is establishing a line they can not cross. In regards to being respectful to the victims and families of these events. Trying to interview people right after a mass shooting is damaging to everyone involved. Because then you get the sense that to news outlets those involved are not seen as people, but just stories and interviews they need to get before competing news outlets. So, once something like this happens give people the space they need. And even afterward, do not try to bombard as many people as possible. I know even at Columbine, news stations were at the school even after it was rebuilt. Which I feel is inappropriate and unhelpful to the community that is trying to heal.


  1. I feel the same way that the shooters get to much run time like you said. Everyone remembers the shooters name but never the victims. You are also correct in saying that the media can cause copycat shooters. These wannabe school shooters see all the media coverage these shooters are getting and they want to have the publicity as well. The media definitely needs to celebrate the lives of the victims rather than the life story of the shooter. Like you said the media should also show respect to the family and community and allow them to heal after such a horrible event.

  2. I agree with you that myself and almost every person only gets their information about tragic events from news outlets. The fact that we almost always remember the shooters name but not the names of the victims is sad. That is why I agree with your point that we could use these outlets for donations and organizations to help the community that is in need. Hopefully in the future we can reframe the way these events are portrayed to all of us, and we can find other sources to learn more about what happened. That way as you said we can show more respect and sympathy to the friends and families of the victims, and we can help them heal.

  3. Hi Marie! I definitely agree with a lot of your points on this post. I also wrote on my post how the media can be more helpful if they focused more on the victims and tried spread the information for donations to help the communities overcome this tragedy. Not only can this help the communities but this can also help society reframe its thinking, while it is important that the offenders get the justice they deserve, but we also as a society need to be there for the victims or the loved ones that have been hurt by these offenders. Justice is all about balance, we have to hold the offenders responsible and help the victims move forward to continue living their lives the best way they can.


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