The Warning Signs


Do you think it is possible to identify possible shooters before they attack? Why or why not?

I think that it is possible to identify possible shooters before they attack as there are warning signs that each past shooter has exhibited that have been documented and studied. So, there is no denying that the signs exist. Frederick S. Calhoun developed a theory called “The Pathways to Violence.” This concept contains six steps a person goes through from their decision to commit a mass shooting, to the planning, to them then carrying out their plan. Other warning signs exist outside this concept, but I feel as though these steps generalize each phase where signs can be noticed. 

The first is grievance, then research and planning, then pre-attack preparation, and finally the probing and breaching phase. When a person is experiencing any one of those steps, they exhibit warning signs that their peers, teachers, parents, and friends can recognize. After a person goes through some grievance, or difficult time, they can diverge from the path any other individual would take, and choose instead to take a violent path in retaliation. They can begin to idolize the idea of using violence, and if they talk about that idea, those around them can hear that and do something to intervene. The same goes for the other continuing steps. Often a person who is researching or planning, or even ready to execute their plan, will talk about what they are going to do to their peers, or even on social media. This is where people need to speak up more about the threats and signs that they witness. Too many people assume that the person is joking, not serious, or somebody else already reported them. Even if that person is only making some kind of joke or is not serious, it is still important to report. 

What do you believe is the most important lesson learned from averted rampages and why?

 I feel as though the most important lesson learned from averted rampages are making sure that not only does everybody know the warning signs, but that they also know how important it is to report them. If everyone, especially those who work in schools, were to educate themselves on the warning signs exhibited by these individuals, I feel as though many of these attacks could be prevented. Also, I feel as though it is worth mentioning that the communication between the police and schools also greatly improved. That was another huge lesson that was learned from those averted rampages. If schools were in direct contact with police stations, while also having an officer on school grounds, there is a higher chance of any possible threat being snuffed before anyone gets hurt. 


Schildkraut, J. & Muschert, G. W. (2019). Columbine, 20 years later and beyond: Lessons from tragedy


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